Monday, May 2, 2011

I want to go again!

Good morning!  It's not been a bad start for a Monday morning.

I was reflecting on my trip to France and thinking about how much I enjoyed it and what, if anything, I'd do differently the next time.

It was a wonderful trip, but just like everything in live, it didn't go just exactly as I had planned.

First of all, I had borrowed and new technology with me.  Hmmm  I like to imagine myself a bit of a "tech geek".  My kids would laugh at me for even thinking that, but hey, for my generation I am a bit cutting edge!  LOL 

The netbook I had was from my office and I really did enjoy the light weight convenience and it was really easy to use.  That would definitely get packed for my next trip.

The new "basic" international phone that I purchased for my international trips was adequate, but I did miss having all the bells and whistles of my Android phone. I have an UK phone number and a US phone number linked to the international phone, and my family and office can reach me in an emergency or just to chat.  Texting from the phone is hard because of not having a keypad, but makes the cut for the next trip.

The next item that I had was a digital camera.  You ask yourself, "What? She borrowed a digital camera? I thought she just said she was a tech geek!  She should have one of her own!"  Please allow me to defend my self with one word....KIDS!  I had one, but it was dropped by one of my offspring who I love dearly.  I haven't replaced it because I mostly use my phone to snap shots, but this time I felt a camera was in order to do France justice.

I borrowed one from the office at the last minute and had never used it before.  The pictures that it took were WONDERFUL!  It was like I couldn't hardly take a bad picture it I tried, but alas...I couldn't get the silly thing to charge and after the 2nd day it was dead.  Sad Day to again quote Becky!

I will surely take a digital camera on the next trip.  I'm thinking that I'll purchase my own and learn to work it before the trip so that I won't be disappointed and miss capturing a memory!

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you today!


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